Youth Dining Programs

Confidence in party and dining situations frees one from worrying about mistakes. Everyone has experienced awkward moments — dropping a fork on the floor and wondering whether to pick it up or leave it there, or showing up at a party all dressed up while everyone else is wearing jeans. Students learn to feel comfortable and self-assured in social situations. These fun and informative programs include role-playing exercises and workbook for each student to keep as a reference guide. An on-site tutorial luncheon or dinner will be served.

A sample of the topics featured:
- Host and Guest Duties
- The ABC's of Table Manners
- Napkins
- Handling Silverware
- The Etiquette of Dining Out
- Difficult To Eat Foods
- Dos and Don'ts of Dining
- Thank-you Notes

Youth Etiquette Programs

The return to traditional values has brought about an increased appreciation of civility. A foundation of good manners and leadership skills give young people of all ages an opportunity to learn and practice — now and for the rest of their lives. These fun and informative programs include role-playing exercise and a workbook for each student to keep as a reference guide.

A sample of the topics featured:
- Social and Communication Skills
- Self-esteem and Confidence Building
- Handshaking With All Ages
- Introductions Made Easy
- Self-respect and Respect for Others
- Conversation and Listening Skills
- Telephone Etiquette
- The Etiquette of Public Places

For a schedule of classes
Please call 413-256-8172
or email